On Demand Workshop
Goats aren't graziers they're browsers.
Don't graze goats they have too many parasite issues.
Goats can't be fenced in.
I'm sure you can think of more reasons why farmers choose not to use rotational grazing with goats, or are advised by "professionals" to not graze goats.
Well... I can tell you, it can be done. Rotational grazing practices CAN be used with meat goats regardless of what you might have heard in the past.
We're doing it on our farm in Western Wisconsin, and so are many others in other parts of the country.
You just need the right foundation to be set up for future success, along with building a sound herd that thrives in a pasture-based environment.
The 60 minute workshop will cover the following topics to get you started with rotationally grazing meat goats or build on what you're doing already:
Considerations for getting started
Fencing and supplies
Grazing principles
Health and management considerations
Enter your bullet points here..
Additionally, the workshop instructor, Leslie Svacina, will also share how she's raising meat goats with rotational grazing on her farm in Western Wisconsin.
The workshop includes the live broadcast Q&A, if you have questions you can follow up inside the course.
On Demand Workshop: Raising Goats with Rotational Grazing$47
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